About Me

I help organizations understand and leverage their quantitative information. Call it what you will: data science, machine learning, or statistics; the modern technological world lies at the intersection of mathematics and computing, and that’s where I like to play.

I’ve worked with Stage 1 start-ups and Venture capital funds, building models, establishing codebases, and providing mathematical expertise to developers. I mainly use R, but have experience in Python and SQL.

I have a bachelors degree in Mathematics from St. Lawrence University, where I did my thesis on the Erdos Faber Lovasz conjecture. After spending some time pursuing other interests,1 I began working at a young startup where I got introduced to a range of topics in statistics and data analytics. I primarily focus on using survival analysis to help predict customer churn, but I’m constantly trying to develop and learn new skills. For more details, check out my portfolio, or take a look at my resume.

I currently live in Litchfield, CT.

  1. After graduating from St. Lawrence, I traveled out west in attempts to become a professional rock climber, spending most of my time in Squamish, BC and Bishop, CA.